Heart Tree Fruit Heart Tree Fruit

Detail tab: Heart Tree Fruit Heart Tree Fruit
Trade: No


Duration Cost Reward
Tree PowderA powder made from the fruit of the heart tree that can remove any curse or ailment from the forest.

This is a scenario buff, and is only usable within a certain scenario. It gets deleted when the scenario is no longer active. 24 s Fish x 160
Wheat x 80
Heart Tree Fruit x 1
Tree Powder x 1
Fruity Linden TeaIt is said that this tea can calm anyone down. Plus, it tastes great! 1 m Water x 100
Heart Tree Fruit x 5
Fruity Linden Tea x 1
UnknownUnknown Fish x 160
Wheat x 80
Heart Tree Fruit x 1
Tree Powder x 1
UnknownUnknown Water x 100
Heart Tree Fruit x 5
Fruity Linden Tea x 1