Shoe Shoe

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Shoe x 10
Soccer 2018
1+ Gems x 10 Feeling underprepared for your tournament game? Use these resources to produce the missing tactical items.

Reward — Miscellaneous


Duration Cost Reward
PassTeamwork is the foundation of every victory. A solid pass is the safest way to avoid contact with dangerous opponents.

Efficient against
1. Fast Runner
2. One-on-One Defense

Should an opposing player have several skills a tactical item can be used against, they will be countered in the order shown above. 3 m Shoe x 6
Telescope x 7
Pass x 1
Penalty KickA penalty kick is every goal keeper’s nightmare – and for good reason. If the goalkeeper 3 m Studs x 10
Shoe x 5
Penalty Kick x 1
UnknownUnknown Shoe x 8
Corner x 5
Corner Kick x 1
UnknownUnknown Shoe x 6
Telescope x 7
Pass x 1
UnknownUnknown Studs x 10
Shoe x 5
Penalty Kick x 1