Banana Peel Banana Peel

Detail tab: Banana Peel Banana Peel
Trade: Yes


Available Level Cost Detail tab
Banana Peel x 10
Soccer 2018
1+ Gems x 10 Feeling underprepared for your tournament game? Use these resources to produce the missing tactical items.

Reward — Miscellaneous


Duration Cost Reward
FoulFouls are efficient against almost everything - just make sure no one sees you doing it.

Efficient against
1. Diver
2. Dribble
3. One-on-One defense

Should an opposing player have several skills a tactical item can be used against, they will be countered in the order shown above. 3 m Banana Peel x 7
Wet Grass x 6
Foul x 1
UnknownUnknown Banana Peel x 7
Wet Grass x 6
Foul x 1