Damascene Sword Damascene Sword

Detail tab: Damascene Sword Damascene Sword
Trade: Yes


Available Level Cost Detail tab
Damascene Swords
Damascene Sword x 430
Limited Offers
41+ Gems x 695 These swords are not made from ordinary titanium, but from titanium-based Damascus steel. Its tell-tale flowing patterns show both the sword’s beauty, and its incredible durability and sharpness.


Duration Cost Reward
Mountain ClimbingEffect +500% recruitment speed
Target Barracks
Duration 4 hours 24 h Brew x 21000
Damascene Sword x 250
Coins x 450
Mountain Climbing x 1
Surplus Prop WeaponsEffect Turns Damascene Swords and Arquebuses into 10 Advanced Tools
Target Mayor 24 h Damascene Sword x 100
Arquebuse x 50
Advanced Tools x 10
UnknownUnknown Damascene Sword x 40 Balloons x 40


Name Level Reward
Too many requests 47 -75 100 Settlers
100 Damascene Sword
Priceless 49 -75 400 Damascene Sword
400 Exotic Wood
Coin Collection 1 -75 20 Damascene Sword
20 Crossbows